Sunday 25 February 2007

Ayla returns for the Stanthorpe Show!

Friday evening and Ayla and her cousin returned to Stanthorpe to attend the agricultural show.
I received a call from Shaun that Ayla had been escorted by security guards from the show grounds.!
She had been a passenger on a ride in sideshow alley when the contents of her open handbag became airborne and at the same time potentially dangerous projectiles, her phone makeup, wallet etc all exited and flew around the grounds.

When the ride finished, Ayla went exploring underneath the ride collecting her belongings, when she tripped over a lead, the one that provides the power to the ride, ..the one responsible for movement lights and sound!! ........then in the dark, the screaming started!

The ride had stopped !, and Ayla stumbling around under the ride for her phone and belongings, became the center of attention for security guards.

She was indignant about being escorted from the show grounds , "they were so cross with me" she wailed "and i don't know why , no one was hurt."

oh another Ayla moment.

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