My Boys, ( Sebastian and Sebs' best mate since school, Daniel ) went to celebrate the birthday of a local girl , she came of age on Wednesday last week and her friend put on a party for her in the "big Smoke" Toowoomba on Saturday night.
The Lads drove from the outskirts of Tara which is a couple of hours out of Toowoomba to buy some nice "stepin 'out" gear, for the party they had been invited to,Being metro types from Bris- vegas and shopaholics at that ,they took advantage of the 1/2 yearly sales and spent up large, on nice fitting kengi, country road , kelvin klein, boss blah blah you get the idea, yeah?
These boys might live in the bush, but they know how to dress.
They wear such beautiful clothes and take really good care of themselves. And they sleep on 6oo thread count sheets, not many men , who aren't alternative lifestylers, know how to buy luxury, but these boy do.
They arrived at the venue, and because they have been 'workin' out' running and weight training, (Daniel is a footballer with the Redcliffe Dolphins) and is small and quick and Seb is a big lad.
because of his size he was introduced to the Mums and Dads and chatted in the Kitchen and hung out with the uncles and other family members telling stories of adventures past, while Daniel ran around under the radar (like the other kids).
Some one made a big mistake , called well dressed football playing Daniel 'GAY' .
And 6 men had to pull him away from the poor unfortunate fool, ..however... those six morons (sorry but when the bevvy's flow , some men can't just break up a lovers tiff they have to sink the boot in themselves) and after providing a face massage each, they then proceeded to re-arrange Daniels body and probably feel really proud of themselves.
Having cast aspersions on his sexuality, ribbing him, teasing the boy, because he dresses well and had all of the women dancing with him, because he has rhythm and can really move (if he can dance upright what can he do horizontally?) The big question.
His 'metro' behaviour sure upset the, flanny, no teeth , monosyllabic, limited imagination set
and Daniel was dragged across a table full of glasses : all of his back is sliced open. and his arm is cut from the wrist bone to his elbow. His head requires stitches and he was concussed .
Alcohol is a dangerous and vile beverage when a simple comment makes men behave so violently, spoil a birthday party and land a young man in hospital for defending his right to be , live, have fun , dance, enjoy the attention of women as much as they enjoy him, (he is a ladies man and in Brisbane night clubs moves among the girls and they love it!)
At Ayla's Birthday, he overheard some boy with a stick getting a little outa hand and stopped any nonsense, but this time, he was moving with the girls on the dance floor and parading his magnetism showing off to the bush pigs. they didn't like it and removed him.
Shame because then the boys went to hospital, Daniel vomited everywhere because of the concussion, had stitches in his arm and head, and his back is bandaged , no running for Daniel or weight lifting for a while, and as for dancing, Mc hammer crab is resting and recovering.
get better Daniel, at least you have a peaceful place in the bush to recover in, no smog, no pollution no worries.