Monday, 25 February 2008

Ayla's silly car calls it a day

Aylas' car has given up.

Her silly car (Celica) sports,has stopped running. The silly car began making a noise then smoke billowed forth and Ayla decided not to risk driving as her work place is out of town and in the country there are no phone booths tow trucks or kindly passersby who are on the roads to help. Traffic is in the morning 7am and in the afternoon 5pm so if an accident occurs or you break down there is a long wait before help arrives.

Having explained that, Ayla then called the family mechanic and he advised her not to drive the car.

So the next step, the bank.

Ayla is now the proud owner of a new ford fiesta. The bank approved a loan and she paid the boys for their part ownership of the car they won.

The silly car was fun and noisy and suited her and this new car is terrific, new car smell great fuel economy she can travel to uni in Toowoomba and back to Stanthorpe and backa gain for $30.

Ayla is very happy.

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