Monday, 4 February 2008

National Australia Day Concert and our Celebration weekend In Canberra

We enjoyed an interesting evening spent watching wave after wave of aussie bodies tattooed and painted passing before our eyes.
An evening that involves dressing up and parading around the grounds of Parliament house ‘catwalking the Aussieness’ the arrangements of flannel shirts with flags sewn on, aussie flag shorts and singlets, long socks?? Silly hats and wigs. Then there was the degree of inebriation of the revelers as families took along the compulsory esky resulting in little kids beamed up on sugar drinks and the adults began the slide from convivial to socially unacceptable.

Aussie Aussie Aussie io io io the crowd chanted in unison.

The aerial display was wonderful , the performances of the guests,.. fantastic, the crowd well behaved, the weather always perfect, commercial television running the show was the only let down. Leaving performers on stage while we go to a ‘commercial break’ then attempting to orchestrate an overawed crowd cheering for the cameras, just isn’t that Aussie, we are a spontaneous people, and respond as we see it.
Just Compare the televised ‘radio show’ from the domain on Saturday. JJJ and the Hottest one hundred was an amazing spontaneous presentation, no countdowns of cheering for that crowd, they were just Aussie all the way showing their appreciation all day, on our Aussie Day.

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