Saturday 6 January 2007


What a relief to arrive at the station and see familiar faces! We separate into two cars for the journey to Bonython.

Ishta (number 2 daughter) is so grown up now and quite the young woman; she is here with her boyfriend Evan and they take the girls in their car, and Paula a friend of my mums takes Shaun and I in her car.

Well we arrived at the house where my Daughter had recently had a party for Christmas and the aftermath of the bomb that had hit was very much evident.

So after travelling for 23 hours from home and not really recovering from our whirlwind 5 day Christmas break with my brother and his family, we had to set about cleaning up Ishta's house before we could be comfortable in a clean tidy environment.

You know those people who are shown on TV where they have to get a front end loader in to clean out the years of rubbish, well that's what Ishta's place was like. I just wanted to sit down and cry, there was food and rubbish everywhere.

Well it had to be cleaned before we could rest so we set off for the shops and brought some cleaning products and set about cleaning the house. So 3 hours later we ready to have dinner and go to bed.
Surviving teenagers is hard work.

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