Sunday, 7 January 2007

Questacon visit

Once again a bus journey to Questacon. We walked along the leafy avenue to the entrance and waited for Ce'nedra to finish playing with some microphones outside and a giant granite ball,then entered, paid our money, received our stamps and joined a balloon show.

Side show alley was the most fun, the guillotine and roller coaster simulator came a close second to the giant drop on the list of the scariest things to volunteer to do. The ball throwing whilst spinning was a tremendous hoot ,co ordination diminishes the faster you spin so I just laughed.

Demelza is a softball Representative for Darling Downs two years running, she discovered her pitch is 68km per hour and her throw is 86km per hour.

Ayla and I both had confirmation that neither of us can drive in video games, we spent most of the time allocated trying to stay on the track.Ce'nedra balanced for 2 and 1/2 minutes which is pretty good.

To the Bells of the Carillion recital ,We lunched, outside Questacon, on the avenue like lawn between the old Parliament house and the view over looking the lake to the other side to the avenue leading to the war Memorial. I felt really moved in a patriotic kinda way,enjoying the Capitals' public spaces, and sharing it with my family.

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