Saturday, 27 January 2007

Maybe I am a dinosaur

The girls and my Mum and Paula, went off to the Dinosaur museum. Dinosaurs in the dark.
This is an informative and unique experience , I would recommend to anyone with a paleontology interest.
It really isn't for babies, although parents seem to consider their infants and toddlers of an age to absorb the complex differences in Latin names for dinosaurs . Small children explore with their mouths and sticky hands and dismantle displays and then screech and cry and grizzle.

Oh, its just too delightful, trying to hear our host and information presenter, over the dinn of 6 infants, either hungry, dirty, frightened, excitedly exploring the dioramas and going where no visitor has gone before.
And then there are the doting parents, who are equally ridiculously noisy, the cacophony of, shhhh, don't do that! , don't touch, come back here!, sit up!, my son wants to ask a question!, are they alive? and the running around after small children, I was completely worn out!

At the end of it I had a few Latin names of my own ,for what should be Extinct delinquent parents.
Researchers are constantly discovering new aspects of how dinosaurs probably appeared and their behaviours but sadly totally lost on so many of our companions on the journey through time the other evening.

If you are a parent of a dinosaur loving toddler, keep it simple won't you? don't inflict them on a paying public.
They just don't have the attention span required to participate in a discussion filled with words bigger than ugg and ooh and potty and dog and dada.

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