Saturday 6 January 2007

Getting Around Day One

With no car, and no fixed telephone line out, as daughter hadn't paid the phone bill, we had to find a telephone box to begin the process of Insurance claims and find out when work would begin on the car and get an estimate of when it would be ready.

Then there was sight seeing to do and shopping and movies to see. Thank goodness for the great bus service in Canberra!

The following day we went to see the Egyptian exhibition from the louvre, at the museum .( it isn't actually at the museum, it is in the gallery on the other side of the lake) however as we had arrived at the museum we decided to enjoy the exhibits.

The sky was looking a little grey, not a great concern I thought , Canberra hasn't had any rain in over 10 months why would it rain now?

We settled into the revolving theatre and during the second movement the lights came on and a voice informed us of evacuation procedures as water was entering the building!

Hail pelted down and the girls collected snow balls and played catch and made mini snowmen!

Photo opportunity emergency crews in the background

Emergency crews arrived and closed the museum we went home and enjoyed the storm on the way.

This is Shaun threatening to pop this hail ball down my blouse!

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