Saturday 17 March 2007

Cedie and The pond

Cenedra pays a visit to the pond across the road every afternoon. She attempts to fish and she rescues fish and turtles from the ravages of the consequences of the construction going on at the site . Great tankers back up to the pond and are filled with the pond water . This has resulted in an almost empty pond.

As the pond is almost dry, Cedie is bringing home many treasures. An eight ball, a Frisbee , and a number plate, were yesterdays finds.

A cricket ball, and a basketball. today.

Shaun and I couldn't find her Thursday evening for dinner and went searching for her.
There she was playing in the construction site trenches.
O f course we explained how dangerous construction sites are and that it is against the law to be inside them. So now she will have to find somewhere else to play.

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