Monday 26 March 2007

Education at Demelza's school

Every evening around the table, the family discuss their day.

Demelza talks about what she has learnt at school.

So far this year her classmates have had a talking circle, a no blame conference, and a talking stick.
The events that led up to these interventions have been, disruptive behaviours, swearing, inappropriate behaviours, fighting , disrespect for teachers and peers, vandalism of school property and the property of fellow students.
Busy aren't they?
OH if only the Teachers from Qld could come here and show these Teachers how to get the best from kids the environment would be focused on learning and not abuse.
Demelza says every day, if Mr Cole was here they wouldn't stand a chance! they'd be dead in the water! And we could get on and learn!

I hope they don't dishearten her too much, although she is a firm believer in achieving great things for herself, If it's gonna be, It's up to me, is Demelza's mantra.

I sometimes feel that the distraction is too distracting, we'll see how the term ends.

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