Saturday 17 March 2007

How Demelza gets what she wished for

For the last three weeks Demelza has been nagging to visit a doctor, with complaints that seemed to be debilitating enough to prevent her from enjoying different activities with the family.
A sore foot that prevented her from participating in a hill climb with us. Then the following week came the sore shoulder that prevented her from a bush walk up Mt Taylor.

Three weeks we suffered with her imagined injuries and persevered with her nagging to see a Doctor.

Then Demelza came home from school with a very bruised nose.

Playing Lacrosse at school and' Matt '(a relative of her friend), dives in front of her with his stick and clobbers her smack on he nose.

She called home from the school office for Shaun (Dad) to collect her.
He took her to the Canberra Hospital .
They sat in the emergency department , staking out, what will become our family chairs at this hospital, and took photos of a very enlarged protuberance.

The Doctors that attended her injury, were the Senior registrar, a trainee doctor and a specialist in emergency.
Her nose will return to normal, a pretty button in the middle of her beautiful face.
Demelza got to see a doctor, one for every week that we endured of her imagined injuries.
Careful what you focus on and wish for, is what we have since advised.

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