Sunday 18 March 2007

The remodelling of Sebastians leg

Sebastian is staying with my Dad on a remote property in Qld. The property is 16 minutes from Tara.
Nestled away in the bush and accessible by motor bike is a tennis court and a steam engine.

The property has dams and my Dad and Seb are establishing Aquaculture and a green house for flowers.
It will give dad something to do as he no longer makes Staircases and wants to do something that is easier on his body.

Sebastian has been exploring the surrounds on motor bike now that his shoulder has healed .
That magnificent over the shoulder kick into the net at Aylas birthday soccer match left him sore and incapacitated for some time.

The other day he was riding and came to a muddy patch in the track, walked the bike through the mud and the tyre slid from under him, he moved his leg so as not to be squashed by the weight of the bike, and the mirror fell out of it's casing and slid down his knee, removing a good fist sized piece of flesh.

A trip into Tara to the hospital and a drip and bandage was applied, then on to Toowoomba to see a specialist. The medical staff advised Seb he would probably need a skin graft.

Sebastian arrived at the reception desk and requested a band aid for his grazed elbow and his hurt knee.
The receptionist graciously offered him a band aid and he asked her if she could apply them as his hands were dirty.
When the receptionist turned the corner on her desk and saw Sebastian standing in a pool of blood , she immediately called the doctor and he was attended to.

Surgery was to take place on the same evening and didn't, so by Friday afternoon Sebastian was very hungry and complained of hunger pains, the staff sent him for an ultrasound in case of internal damage and discovered that he was hungry.

After a small meal they booked him in for surgery Saturday evening .

Sunday morning, and I have spoken to him again, he is well, still has his leg, they didn't remove it by mistake or because it had gangrene.

The knee is stapled together and he just has to take it easy.

No bike riding for a while.

Boys will be boys!!!

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