Thursday, 10 May 2007

Australian Citizen ship

Today I become an Australian Citizen.

I remember when my parents became citizens, it was during the Bejelke years and my mum, worked for the public service,

It had been rumoured that the government would soon change the law and deport all the kiwis.

Scare tactics and conspiricy theories can make you do some interesting things.

The evening I attended with my parents and younger brother was one of expectation and celebration.

New Australians from many places in the world gathered in the town hall in Brisbane to take the oath of aliegiance alongside each other .

We celebrated our new Australians in the family, and I wished I had been apart of thier decision to join the australian comunity with them. At the time however I was a new bride and had other things to occupy me and cloud my judgement.

Over the last 20 years I have attended a number of naturalisation ceremonies, on Australia Day,

In Redcliffe, Ishta would join talented individuals celebrating the naturalisation process in song, dance and instrumental recital.

singing in the choir for our new Australians, at the performing Arts center, and we as the audience, participated in the welcoming ceremony.

Over the Years the children have asked why I am not an aussie and When will I become an aussie and now I finally get to be and Aussie.

I now have my turn to be recognised as an Australian citizen.

This evening I join others who have reached this point in their lives and accept the responsibilities and obligations required of us as Australian citizens.

I'm extited and honored and looking forward to celebrating with a meal of Australias national dish TOAST!!! ha ha ha.


Ian Pye said...

Congratulations! Does it feel different now you're an Aussie with the piece of paper to prove it?

The Proletariat said...

I am still euphoric it is exiting finally becomming a member of the Aussie team.thamk you