Wednesday 19 September 2007

Discipline and the kids of today

I watched a child creating a spectacle yesterday. His mother was becoming more and more exasperated as he ran and kicked and shouted around the shops.

At first his mother appeared to be amused and smiled and giggled at his behaviour saying 'Com'on Jordy ,don't do that'.

Then she became embarrassed as his behaviour grew more out of control until she lost the plot entirely throwing her hands in the air and attempting to use bribery and threats of " I'll tell Uncle Peter" .

Just in the next isle, a woman grabbed her child's arm, wrenching her off the ground and carrying her out of the shop, all the while the child squealed, firstly to continue her obnoxious whining then continued as the shock of being wrenched off the ground and carried,then the wail of pain as she was being carried away. The child was about 3 years old and her mum kept complaining that the child was placing items in the trolley that 'are not on the list' and was annoying mummy and the child should stop it "you know mummy doesn't like that".

The display of inappropriate discipline and the spectacle was so distressing, It just makes me want to buy all my groceries online ,to avoid the displays of socially unacceptable behaviour from both children and parents alike.

Aren't there Parenting classes anymore?

What is this ridiculous notion of reasoning with a child over a game; The lets buy stuff and put things in the shopping trolley game and putting adult concepts into conversations with tiny little people? Three year olds don't know what mummy likes or dislikes, and when they have that awareness they don't always care . It is all about fun and learning not mummy's hangups.
Shopping is a game, if kids are accompanying an adult, they are probably more than willing to help to shop.
Including them in what goes into the trolley is part of the fun , if you don't want an item you just put it back without them seeing you.

Can we please bring some kind of parenting skills to hospitals, in fact before a child is born.

Learning to have fun and survival skills, like paying bills and nutrition training and discipline should all be delivered before the baby arrives.

Teaching new Mums and Dads that saying 'no' is not going to induce psychological damage to their precious child and in fact not saying no is what leads to behaviour problems, and a lack of self discipline and self control.
' No' and 'don't' are words that have saved lives and it is better to have a toddler understand the concept of no from an early age, because once that pathway is established other training tools can be implemented.
'No' and 'Don't', are words that teach about boundary's, guidlines and respect for self and others.

The behaviours between kids who understand that they can't have something who have self respect, and those that have no self respect and demand everything, as nothing has been denied them are so profound.

There is no tantrum, no screeching and running away, knocking people over and destroying property because they can't have their own way.They are gracious, polite smile readily, have a sunny disposition, don't scowl and accept that one day they may have whatever it is that they are unable to have right now, but understand that 'no not this time' doesn't mean never.

For the parent who cannot bring themselves to say 'no' and practices moving the item out of view, has to one day accept that their control is limited and they can't move the world out of view. We have to work within the boundary's provided by our communities and be firm with kids and exercise patience and love.

The law of requisite variety is a terrific rule for really exasperated parents.
When a child screams, scream back. The child soon stops.
The person with the most power wins the tussle. So a parent with a screaming child will do anything to stop the child from hurting himself or indeed risk being handed over to the authorities for suspected abuse, (kids only scream when something is wrong? Or is it because they can't have their own way? like I said, abuse)

If a parent screams back louder the child loses power and doesn't know what will happen next.
the child will give in. Parents can regain the role of guide and friend.

Parenting is not about being a Nazi or a headcase, It is about providing boundary's for offspring to be safe, loved and be equipped to venture out into the world to survive and develop and be the best they can be.

I despair of the next gen with their lack of self control and their selfish 'all about me' behaviours.
I think when they are 40, they will be angry about not having everything they want and angry that their ears will ring with tinnitus from the loud music they and all around them get to listen to through those earphones. (ever sat nxt to a gen y on a bus with that hip hop blaring?)

Angry with my gen for using all the water and buying up all the real estate in high places and building houses on it instead of leaving some natural bushland.

And they will be eventually asked to reduce the angry population by half by eating a relative. (which will be a good thing in 20 years and cannabalism will just be responsible eating)

Please can we discipline the delinquent parents!

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