I thought it would be a great idea to keep a diary of events as so many things have happened to us and to record our adventures.
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I tell everyone about it !
Because we all have a story to tell and It is more interesting to read a personal account of a situation or place than on some drole adverisment or magazine.
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there are heaps of resources for researching the opportunity, and before you know it just for writing a promotional story you have a tidy sum in your account. Not bad for 1/2 an hour at your computer.
I reccomend signing up for pay per post and taking the opportunities as they arise, it also gives blogs a variety in readabiity.
Have fun explore the huge range of e commerse sites available and get paid to blog
Hey Nia!!! I hope the pay for post is working out well for you! I think i need to start trying too. thinking about starting a webpage.... thinking about it.
Working retail again. bbobooooo
Hi Nia..I've created a link back to my http://ebizuiversity.blogspot.com's blog. I wished to share your paid per post entry. Thanks for sharing it with me.
p/s Thanks for your spicy page vote at www.francoyong.com. I voted for your 2 blogs too.
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