Friday 14 September 2007

Static electricity

I am so glad the weather has warmed up.
Over the winter i have been so cold being our first winter in Canberra I didn't manage well. Most of the time i wore a pair of hugg boots that seb gave me for mothers day, and a jumper of Shauns this attire was as well as being daggy created static electricity.
Anyone I touched received a belt from me. My hair stood on end and some materials in the house gave an electrical charge back to me.

I picked up my keys and zapped them ,the gizmo inside was fried , $220 for new keys.

Cenedra and I were at home cleaning out the lizard's aquarium, and I picked up the lizard and he received a bolt of elelctricity, which was too much for his tiny little body sadly he is now resting.

I have put the hugg boots away and the jumper,and surprise surprise no longer zapp things, it became silly, the children were tentative about touching me for fear of recieving a jolt.

thank goodness for the warmer weather.


Who Me? said...

I just find that Canberra is a very 'zappy' town anyway! I don't know what it is, but ever since I moved here 6 years ago I'm always zapping myself or someone else?

At times I'm afraid to open the car door for fear that I'll been 'thrown' with a shock. Numerous times I've kissed the kids goodbye as I drop them at school and a tiny shock zaps us on contact.

A guy I worked with a few years ago often received a zap from me when I was handing him paperwork and he suggested I put a light bulb on my head and help light the office :)

WSPC said...

It's probably something to do with all the hot air from the Politicians down there or maybe it's just the very dry atmospheric conditions.

Poor little lizard.