Wednesday 19 September 2007

Drugs on the pollies

In the Mail we received our booklet on Drugs and the dangers of them.
How to make them, let me clarfy that, what the ingredients are and what the effects of them are.
The only thing missing in the magazine, is where to buy them.
Didn't think of that did they?

A page on places to avoid, like night clubs and Seven elevens and car parks not far from ATM machines, where people hand over little bags of tablets to each other.

Also not included is page on people to avoid , the guys who look out of place in a night club, the ones that have no Friends but their other weird looking try hard mates, the narcs I mean, the men in the 70s leather jacket and jeans and black shoes who muscle in on a circle but don't really connect with anyone.
They ask "if you know where they can buy some 'ex' ???"and are way to sleezy about their attempts to 'score' (their word not mine)
Definitely people to avoid. Too funny and provides entertainment.

I don't have a problem with party Drugs, whateva blows a persons hair back is their own thing. I'm pretty cool about the kids and what they do, I accept that this stuff is easily obtainable cheap and on the whole harmless apart from the aging thing and the danger of drowning from the amount of water they drink whilst "chopped".

I've never seen a fight amoung the kids out clubbing or perpetrating harm upon other people, it is a bit like the 'soma' of brave new world fiction.Unlike the alcohol fuelled fights that I had to put up with whenever we went out, there was always someone to spoil an evening.

Education is the important thing.
Telling them that ice will age them 10 years is the biggest deterrent.
Alcohol is a killer too but they happily drink with their mates at the weekend.

We do alcohol really well in this country, consume more booze than water and I read somewhere that the surplus of wine in this country could fill Sydney harbour.
And our civic leaders are concerned about what ?.. that if the kids take a pill and they aren't buying alcohol while they are happy dancing and hugging each other, who is buying the alcohol?

Who will drink all this grog?
The Aborigines aren't allowed it, the parents are over it and too old to get smashed all the time. Their failing memories and alcohol induced Alzheimer's, means they keep going home instead of to the clubs.

This is the dilemma, I think the question is not about having the kids on pills but continuing to perpetuate the notion of a nation of drunks to drink the surplus and of course fund the education system .

We could use all the excess booze in the toilet cisterns when we run out of water and forget drinking the evil drink and just ping away happy and aged ,considerate, polite and helpful and loving. say no to war and yes to partying.

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